
Special Options

These special options are normally assigned during "Associate a Tag" and stored in flash memory. After update, the tag will automatically "reboot." Options related to motion or temperature monitoring need to be re-applied by "enable monitoring", "arm."

Wireless Settings (Advanced)

Wireless Settings Migration allows you to re-program the flash memory in each tag to
  1. use a different frequency to resolve interference problems, and
  2. fine tune the trade-off among range, battery life and response time.
Old Setting
New Setting

Move Logged Data

Move logged temperature/hudmity and motion event data from an unassociated tag to an active tag.
Move from
Move to

Enable/Disable Push Notifications on Phones


When out of range

Account Settings

Tag Managers

Add a Tag Manager

Adding multiple tag managers to one account allows quickly switching between tag managers, managing more than 40 tags and covering wider area than a single tag manager can cover.

Group With...

When a tag manager is grouped with another tag manager, it acts as a clone of the other manager. This is useful when tags need to moved from one location covered by one tag manager to another location covered by another tag manager, or when replacing a defective tag manager with a new one, without having to re-associate each tag. NOTE: Signal coverage of multiple grouped tag managers should NEVER overlap for reliable operation. Placing two grouped tag managers within 700 ft / 200m of each other will initially work but cause out of range problems after a few weeks.


When lost link to a tag - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Time since last update
When re-established link to a tag - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Time since last update (lost link duration)
When motion tag detected motion - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Orientation change
When Infra-red (PIR) sensor detected motion - {0}: Tag name, {1}: local time
When motion tag or Infra-red (PIR) sensor times out - {0}: Tag name, {1}: local time
When door is opened - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Orientation change since armed
When door is closed - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Orientation change since armed
When door is open for too long - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Orientation change since armed, {2}: How long
When temperature is too high - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Temperature in °F, {2}: Temperature in °C, {3}: Temperature in default unit
When temperature is too low - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Temperature in °F, {2}: Temperature in °C, {3}: Temperature in default unit
When temperature returned to normal - {0}: Tag name, {1}: Temperature in °F, {2}: Temperature in °C, {3}: Temperature in default unit
When tag battery is low - {0}: Tag name, {1}: latest battery voltage, {2}: configured low battery warning threshold
When humidity/moisture level is too high - {0}: Tag name, {1}: moisture level in %
When humidity/moisture level is too low - {0}: Tag name, {1}: moisture level in %
When humidity/moisture level returned to normal - {0}: Tag name, {1}: moisture level in %
When detected water - {0}: Tag name, {1}: local time
When no longer detected water - {0}: Tag name, {1}: local time
When it is too bright - {0}: Tag name, {1}: ambient light in lux
When it is too dark - {0}: Tag name, {1}: ambient light in lux
When brightness returned to normal - {0}: Tag name, {1}: ambient light in lux


Hint: You can use math expression enclosed between <% and %>. For example...



Outlet frequency:



Light sensor detects motion when there is sudden change in brightness caused by moving the sensor abruptly.



Heat Level 3
Heat Level 2
Heat Level 1
AC Level 1
AC Level 2
AC Level 3
Fan Level 1
Fan Level 2
Fan Level 3

Disconnection threshold (When heat, AC or fan is turning on, but the Kumostat is not properly connected to HVAC, it will detect this and shut itself down to preserve battery. Lower threshold value makes it more likely to detect disconnection. Increase this if you receive false "disconnected from wall" warning.)


Associate a Wireless Tag

Please pull out battery insulating tape from one unassociated Wireless Tag. Light should be flashing on the Tag. Please remove the tape and associate a Tag one at a time.
For Water/Mositure Sensors... For Reed Sensors...

  • Do not leave more than one tag flashing.
  • Do not put the tag too close to the tag manager during this process.

Regulate temperature not at the thermostat, but at chosen Wireless Tag. Run KumoApps such as 'set to away mode when window is left open', 'set to home mode when my phone gets close to a location.'

Regulate temperature not at the thermostat, but at chosen Wireless Tag. Build historical temperature/humidity graph at your Thermostat. Run KumoApps such as 'turn off when window is left open', 'turn on when my phone gets close to a location.'

Activate the Wireless Tag IFTTT channel to make your tag work with hundreds of other IFTTT channels. (Need to create an account at IFTTT if you do not already have one.)

To link WeMo devices, launch the WirelessTag mobile app while connected to the same WiFi as the WeMo device.